
  • 一个清单
  • 一个计划
  • 一个过程


VFFS专家,Don Lawrence和Shahram Shariff带我们通过标准程序和关键要求-一个有效的查看常见提示和技巧,清洁,检查和更换您的各种组件垂直装袋工


  • 人:在预防性维护和最大化机器性能方面起什么作用。
  • 地点:哪些机器区域必须清洗和检查是否磨损。
  • &什么:由VFFS专家推荐的每日、每周、每月和半年的预防性维护任务。
  • 原因:长期和短期的好处,始终如一的预防性维护您的垂直装袋。





大家好。感谢您收看今天的网络研讨会,关于立式填封机预防性维护的五个W。我叫Emily Brogan,我是ROVEMA北美地区的市场和销售协调员。今天和我在一起的还有Don Lawrence,他是我们全生命周期服务团队的技术部件和保修专家,以及Shahram Shariff,他是我们的工程经理,负责监督和支持我们的客户和销售团队,为新机器提供工程规范。所以在他们两人之间,我们实际上已经有超过60年的行业经验。这是令人兴奋的。虽然我给每个人一个加入我们的机会,但我想做一些互动。所以我很快就开始调查了。你应该已经看到它跳出来了它会问你在垂直装袋上持续的预防性维护的三个结果对你来说是最重要的。另外,如果你能坚持到最后,我们实际上在最后也会有一个简短的小测验,我们前五个正确的答案会得到一些奖励。 So while you're submitting your answers to the poll before I hand it off to Shahram and Don, First, I want to tell you a quick story. So I want to tell you about a plant that bought a new machine. You know, after installation and培训,它运行得很好。这甚至超出了他们的预期。但第二年之后,几个轮班的主管离开工厂去做其他工作,工厂引进了一些新员工。大约6个月后,公司说,我们正面临一个艰难的季度,我们要求你们将备件费用和库存削减20%。大约一年之后,维修主管退休了一些其他的流程他们以前有但可能不是在正式的SOP中他们变得有点被忽视了。之后还会发生更多的事情。三年后,你还不知道,这台机器的运行速度只有原来的70%也就是设计的目的。你猜这个故事不是关于一个特定的工厂或客户,甚至不是只针对一个垂直表格填封机,你知道,如果我不爱护它,同样的事情也会发生在我的车身上。这就是预防性维护的问题,一些小的改变累积起来就会产生巨大的差异。这就是我们今天来到这里的原因。 That's why I'm so excited to have Don and Shahram on this call with me. So they're actually going to show you how to turn this typical history and machine performance, this story that we hear time and time again, in what you ought to expect, which is consistent production over the life of your machine. So now I'm going to hand it off to Shahram, who is going to start going into these five W's.

Shahram Shariff

谢谢你,艾米丽。正如艾米丽提到的,我叫沙拉姆·沙里夫。我是北美ROVEMA的一名工程师。我们在这里与您分享预防性维护的重要性,特别是那些日常的小的简单维护。这些会给你带来五种很好的结果。这五大成果是什么?最重要的结果就是保持你的能力。你还记得你买机器的原因吗?原因是你想要一定数量的袋子,好的袋子,带出门,日复一日。随着时间的推移,由于各种原因,唐会告诉你这些原因是什么,最初的容量会下降。 We're here to tell you that based on our experience, and our customers experience, preventative maintenance plays the major role in maintaining the original capacity of your machine. The second great outcome would be part longevity. You purchase your machine based on a certain production capacity. Your production capacity hinges around all parts functioning as they should, day in and day out without a hitch. I'm here to share with you that the secret to parts longevity is to take care of your machine by applying these little preventive maintenance tasks. Also, if you happen to have replaced any one of the original parts, with cheaper parts with less expensive parts, then you are risking parts, premature failures, and you might be in for a surprise here and there without even being able to predict it. The third great outcome would be seal integrity. I'm thinking there's nothing worse than people showing up from the end of line, or getting news from the customers or plant manager or so on that all of a sudden 10s of thousands of bags 10s of thousands or hundreds of thousands of pounds of products have gone to waste. Because the seal integrity was compromised. Everybody is going to be looking over your shoulders to look for answers Why? We're here to tell you that as a component of preventive maintenance, if you had cleaned that vertical seal band, you wouldn't be in this situation that you are today. The fourth great outcome would be downtime avoidance. You didn't buy your machine so you can be repairing and stopping it and working on it every day. Just like seal integrity, or did I miss the seal integrity? Let me go back to Yeah. So just like seal integrity, if components especially crucial ones, that means those that touch your bag, day in and day out, are maintained by preventative maintenance. You avoid premature and unexpected failures. Finally on the list of five great outcomes is the lower scrap rate. Just like sealing integrity, if you have a failure, say compromised seals, with or without even you knowing it, it may be too late, you can lose 10s and hundreds of hundreds of thousands of dollars in a jiffy. We're here to share with you that a few simple tasks as Don will go over and he will share with you will avoid this kind of disastrous outcome. Now, in order to be able to to achieve these outcomes, there are foundations with four pillars that are necessary for you to follow. These are what were who and when of what needs to be done to achieve the five great outcomes we touched the maintaining capacity, spare parts longevity, seal integrity, downtime avoidance and lower scrap rate. So the number one pillar is consistency. daily tasks are the most important for a smooth shift. To be sure, SOP's are the key to consistency and follow up even through turnover challenges. Number two is the team member accountability. You need to arm your operators and maintenance people who are your most valuable assets in your plant and arm them with SOPs geared toward factors specific to your operational environment. The third one on the list of foundations is reliable spare parts and reliable wear parts. Again, if you purchase your components, let's say seal band seal jaws, springs, bearings, on and on, at a lower cost, be prepared to be surprised because not all parts are made equal with longevity in mind. And most of the time, I'm afraid you won't even know that the parts are about to fail. Things are going smoothly and all of a sudden you get a surprise. the fourth pillar of the foundations the maintenance schedule. Now that you've got the follow ups, you've got your SOP, you got your team together, you got your SOP, a checklist ready, operator and maintenance buying, you have to own it, incorporate it into your team's daily routine, and follow up, make sure that it becomes a habit, an integral part of your daily operation. With that, I'm going to hand it over to Emily. And here the specifics of these tasks from Don.




谢谢你艾米丽。我叫唐·劳伦斯,在ROVEMA工作了30多年。我在ROVEMA的前28年,我在现场服务我们的许多客户,我们注意到了一些事情,我们想和你们分享一些我们注意到的事情是你们的操作,操作人员和维护人员是维护设备和保持设备运行的关键人员。操作员在这方面发挥了很大的作用,他们需要在轮班的前10分钟处理一些日常任务。这将增加你所有的生产力和备件的寿命,只是减少你的停机时间和报废率。所以在设备没有任何问题的情况下设备是正确设置的,操作人员应该能够进行这些操作日常任务在他们转变的前10分钟。他们应该能够在整个一天的剩余时间或剩下的班次中自由运行问题。我们说每个班次的前10分钟,因为我们不知道你是否正在运行两个班次或三个班次,这将因植物而异。所以,我想和你谈论第一,垂直密封区域。这是您的运营商将要照顾的领域之一。但这是一个非常重要的区域,只要垂直密封杆设置成撞击管和正确的薄膜中的垂直密封。我们应该能够打开垂直密封杆拆下垂直密封杆,如果有一个,如果您有一个连续的运动机器,您将有一个垂直密封带,您有一个间歇的运动机,您只需将有一个垂直的密封杆。因此,清洁间歇运动机上的垂直密封杆正好拍摄僵硬的黄铜刷。我们还必须记住,有两种不同类型的黄铜刷子是一个长鬃毛软刷,另一个是短鬃毛粗刷。 And the difference between the two are the softer ones should be used on your Teflon coated co bars and the stiff one should be used on a non Teflon coated sealing surfaces. If you have a continuous motion machine, sometimes customers use Teflon coated seal bands. So these have to be treated a little differently. The seal band once you remove it from the machine, it's easy to clean and then you clean the vertical seal bar itself to remove any of your product or film buildup on the bar. These products and film buildup will create a void on the sealing surface where your seal integrity will be diminished. So, clean the vertical seal bar itself, clean the band, put the band back onto the machine, close it and you're ready to go. Next thing I'd like to talk to you about is your horizontal seal bars. Horizontal seal bars are the same. They need to be clean just as much as the vertical bar, they get product build up, film build up and whatnot. Also the horizontal seal bars can be Teflon coated or just normal coating. Teflon coated requires the soft bristle brush non Teflon coated requires the stiff bristle brush, we must keep in mind that the horizontal seal bars are serrated and product tends to build up in the valleys of these serrations. And it tends to get harder as time goes on. So to clean this you must use your brush and sometimes you may have to get some of the tougher particles out by hand. Which means when I say by hand is that we don't want you to use metal tip or putty knife, steel putty knives, screwdrivers or anything like that to clean the serrations if you have to get in there to clear out some of the tougher products, film deposits or whatever, you must use plastic, okay like a plastic putty knife or something like that these steel, putty knives and screwdrivers and pocket knives and stuff like this razor knives, they will take off your coatings in this will just compound your problems. So we don't want to use these on the sealing surfaces.







Shahram Shariff







是的,我们建议使用塑料不会融化当然,我们的下巴,你的温度范围应在大约300至350度的地方,这些机器上使用的大部分胶片最多。好的,所以我们想谈到的下一件事是前封面吧,带刀你的前封杆在所有后来的机器上。刀驻留在前密封杆中。我们希望使用我们用来清洁钳口的相同刷子,是Teflon涂层或非铁氟龙涂层。刀刚用拇指推出,刀片上的锯齿可以用这些钢丝刷,这些黄铜丝刷很容易清洁。你想穿着手套,这些刀具非常尖锐。所以当你清洗这些刀具时需要一个防护手套。只是非常小心他们。它们很热,锐利。所以我们想谈论的下一件事是你的运输带。 And again, this is just happening in the very first 10 minutes of your shift. So they're being cleaned every eight to 12 hours, your belts will get built up with product that rains down from the delivery system above. So this is where we get most of our questions about. How do I control my bag length better? How do I control my registration better, and 90% of the time, these issues are solved just by cleaning these belts. These belts will get slick after so many hours of runtime. If you run for several days without cleaning these belts, they do get slick and this will create bag length issues and/or registration issues. So cleaning these belts, the operator will open the belts up. Don't remove them from the machine. Just open the belt drive system up. Take a clean damp cloth and wipe each belt thoroughly cleaning it and then take a clean dry cloth and wipe each belt thoroughly drying them off. And then close your belts back up and you're ready to start production again. The next thing we'd like to talk about is the vacuum filters. The vacuum filters on I would say 85 to 90% of all machines, they utilize vacuum belts, that's the belts that you just saw with the holes in them. And this is called a vacuum assist system. This vacuum assist system works very well. But it also collects everything in the environment that is raining down from above. dusty products. Whatever you're running the delivery system above the machine is not 100% clean. So the product comes down onto the belts and it gets drawn into the vacuum filter. So this vacuum filter needs to be cleaned and or replaced every eight hours or every shift. So you should clean this thing and it's very simple just open up the door, open up the lid on the top of this vacuum filter system. Take the filter out and you can either blow it out with air if your plant allows you to do that. Or you can take it to a trash receptacle and just gently tap it on the side and everything will come out of it. Place it back in, snap the lid back in place and close up your doors. The next thing we're going to talk about is the film carriage on the backside of the machine. We'd need to have the operators clean each one of the rollers with a dry, clean rag. And while they're doing this, they're also going to notice whether or not the roller is worn back or stuck. If your rollers are stuck and frozen in place, then they're not turning and they're not allowing the film to move freely through the film carriage. And this will also make the belts out front work twice as hard. So, while the operators are wiping each one of these rollers down, they are also noticing these other defects in them. And it also keeps the product that rains down from above, off of the rollers and off of your film. Okay, so the next thing we're going to talk about is the power unwind belt. The power unwind belt is the drive unit, that drives, assists the roll in motion the roll of film, some of these roles of film get very heavy, and it takes quite a bit to get them in motion. So we put a power unwind back there to assist these film rolls to move. This belt needs to be cleaned just like the transport belts out front. They all three of these belts move the same amount of film and the build up and everything gets on this belt also. So this belt is slipping. It's making your belt out front work twice as hard. So we need to clean this belt again with a clean damp rag, wiping it down thoroughly. And then take a clean dry rag and dry it off thoroughly. Okay, so the next thing we're going to talk about is the air separator. This is kind of important. You have the regulator and the separator. And but you see the smaller device in the front that's where we do our lockout tagout for the air, but the one with the gauge on it. Below it has a canister with sight glasses on it so that you can see inside of it to see if there's water or oil or other contaminants. Just below that, on the bottom there is a thumb wheel or a thumb screw. You can loosen this thumb screw up and drain this thing into a bucket or some type of a receptacle and once it's drained and the bowl is empty. You see nothing in the sight glass and you just tighten the screw back up and you're ready to run again. So the next thing we're going to talk about is the monthly and our I'm sorry, the weekly and the monthly tasks that need to be done. Before we go into the weekly and monthly tasks, I just want to say something about the daily tasks. These are very important. If we do this 10 minutes at the beginning of every shift and your operators perform this correctly, this is going to keep you in production your entire shift. It's going to maximize your output, decrease your scrap rates. And it's also going to help with the longevity of spare parts, increasing the lifespan level. So the daily tasks, take care of 90% of all issues that arise during your shift with just doing this first 10 minutes of every shift. I just can't say enough about that. Okay, so the weekly tasks that we're going to be talking about are your forming collars and your forming tubes and changing out the Teflon tape. On the very center of your forming tube with your belts in the open position in your film moved out of the way, you're going to see on each side of your forming tube where the belts make contact with the film, there are two Teflon strips. We do have some customers out there that have special coatings on their forming colors and their tubes to where they don't use the Teflon strips. The Teflon tape on most tubes resides just underneath the transport belts. These need to be visually checked and probably changed for wears tears. If it's starting to roll, if the adhesive has come loose. product is built up on it or whatever, you can easily just strip this tape off and replace it. On your vertical seal area. You have two pieces there. One is the Teflon tape over top. And then underneath of your Teflon tape, you have a vertical seal strip, we need to check this vertical seal strip once a week to make sure that there are no waves or voids in it. No wear patterns on it. Anytime you have a wavy area, you're going to leave voids in your vertical seal. So this is going to decrease the integrity of that vertical seal. So we need to make sure that that strip is in good working condition. Also to make sure that your vertical seal bar is striking this strip squarely when it's engaged To your film to get a proper seal Once the strip has been inspected and or replaced, then you put your Teflon tape back over top of it and you can thread your tube back up. before you move on. We want you to check the alignment of the last roller on the three setup rollers. To the tube or the forming collar. You can see the three little smiley faces Well, there's only one smiley face and two frowny faces. The last set of rollers three rollers before the film enters into the forming collar. On the backside of your form and collar you have an angle and we want this last roller to be aligned to the point to where you're film lays perfectly flat on the angle of the rear of the forming collar. And you can see on the top one that the last roller is higher than the angle is and the film is not resting on it. This is going to create excessive wear on your forming collar. Because it's pulling on the film and putting undue stress on your film. You may even see little squiggly marks we call them stress marks on your bag. So you want to make sure that it is not riding above. On the second little frowny face. You can see that the film is breaking down to reach the last roller and that also creates excessive wear on the back edge of the collar. This thing will become razor sharp back there if you're if you run it like this for too long. The very bottom one, you see that the film is coming straight off of the angle, right to the last roller. And he's happy. Now with that, that puts equal amount of pressure on your wings of your collar. And it assists with your film tracking from side to side. If you've got this film broken down, the film's gonna want to track funny if you've got it lifted up and fell more track funny also, but it'll also put little lines on your bag, the stress marks that I was talking about. So for equal wear and good longevity of your forming collar, you will want to run it just like the third image on the bottom where the guy's smiling. Okay, the next thing that we're going to talk about is your lubrication. This happens every month. This is on the newer machines, the older machines we used oil to lubricate everything on the your drive systems, your transport systems, your transport belts, everything was oiled. And this was back in the old days, new or newer equipment requires grease. So on the old machines, you would see when you opened up your side door to do this lubrication, you would see actually a tank inside and that tank was filled with oil, and it had a handle on the side of it. And that requires three pumps for every eight hours of runtime to wear the new machines. We have the zerk fittings, and the zerk fittings go to each and every component that needs to be lubricated. The grease lasts much, much longer. So this is why you only do it every month and the oil bath system, you have to do it every eight hours of runtime. So this lubrication system is in the grease is much better. So if there are any questions about these zerk fittings and where they go, what they're lubricating, and the types of grease that you should be using, these can all all of these charts and information can be found in the back of your operator's manual. It gives you the frequency the types of oil, or I'm sorry, the types of grease that you could be using and it also gives you cross references on different types of grease, which they're all food great. If you can't find these, feel free to call us at any time and we can send them to you or two where to locate them? Whatever you need.








不,那是给油系统的。油系统里面有一个油箱,油箱上有一个黑色把手。每8小时,你必须抽三次油。但是在润滑系统上,我们的新系统上都有。天啊,我都不知道我们从哪年开始做这个的,但已经有一段时间了。润滑脂系统润滑脂持续的时间更长。好吧。好吧。因此,如果您需要任何有关机器中润滑脂MSDS表的帮助,请随时与我们联系,我们可以将其发送给您。好了,接下来,继续往这里走。 The next thing we're going to talk about are your safety switches. These are very important devices on your machine and they protect the operators and the people that use the machines and they also protect the equipment. Okay, anytime you open up or break the circuit on any of these circuit, these safety switches, it should act just like striking the emergency stop button. Okay, and these need to be inspected at least every month to make sure that they are functioning properly. This is a very important safety is huge. I know it isn't all of your plants. Most of your plants probably have your own safety guidelines, when to test and when they need to test or replace. So it's very important to keep these safety devices operational. Okay, we just can't stress that one enough. Okay, the next thing we're going to talk about is the cabinet housing filter. This is the same door that you opened up to do your lubrications and it's also where all of the moving parts of the machine are for your film, drive your jaw drive, all of your servo motors, gearboxes, bushings, bearing, shafts, everything are inside of this cabinet. Okay, this cabinet door has a filter in it because we have a lot of heat generating devices inside of the machine. So the inside and all of these devices they need to breathe. Now, these doors are sealed to keep all of the external contaminants from getting inside. So we need to make sure that this filter is clean so that we can get clean, fresh air inside this cabinet with no contaminants from the outside. So once a month, we ask that you open this door up, remove this air filter, clean it and or replace it. Okay? Again, this is just like the other filter it can be blown off or it can just be dusted into a trash receptacle. Okay, next thing we're going to move to is how your daily tasks are completed. These daily casts once again, we just can't convey to you You guys how important these, this first 10 minutes of the shift can make such a difference on all of your, you know, all of the things that Shahram talked about the longevity, the downtime, spare parts, savings and all of this, you can see how this all kind of comes together. And these daily practices are basically on your operators. A clean machine is a happy machine, and a happy machine is a productive machine. So, keeping all of these daily tasks up to date every day. You can see where this can be just a huge cost savings to you and to your customers.

Shahram Shariff
















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Shahram Shariff














Shahram Shariff








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